To celebrate her birthday on March 15, vocalist RAMI is releasing the first song from her new Gothic metal project, RAMI THE REQUIEM.

The song is available for download or streaming at multiple sites: ​https://linkco.re/befTNydf?lang=en

Upcoming live performances:

  • 3/21 恵比寿aim Birthday LIVE
  • 4/29 渋谷aube with Unlucky Morpheus
  • 5/30 恵比寿aim with exist † trace

Her band, which RAMI has referred to as “my REQUIEM,” features the ever-busy Yashiro on guitar. The other members have (so far) remained unnamed.

RAMI official website: https://rami-metal.com/
RAMI official Twitter: https://twitter.com/RAMI_Vocal
RAMI official blog: https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/rami-vocal/